
I shoot a commercial for... AARP!?!?!

I went to an audition for AARP, and my agent giggled. Then I went to the call back, and I posted that on facebook, and my friends had a ball making "You're getting old" jokes. But then I actually Booked the commercial!!! Thankfully, I am not yet the subject of an AARP commercial, but I was proud to be a part of it, and we had fun shooting it. The woman who is the subject took a zillion takes of the same thing over and over, and she kept the same level of heart-tugging the whole day. I was an upper-middle income shopper in the same store. Fun day, and MANY, MANY jokes on facebook!

This is for a GAME??

The video below is a preview for a video game. This video game is from the Writer of Red Dawn and Apocalypse Now. It is another step towards the end of movies, and everything becoming video games instead: I think I'd better start doing voice overs for games FAST!!

This Blog is no Longer in Use- Got to

This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to This Blog is no Longer in Use- Go to

What kind of PERSON do we want America to be?

People are always talking about America being a world leader in this and that, and I wonder how true that is. We've been losing ground in every area, just like someone who got comfortable with their lead, and then just stopped trying to be better. That made me wonder what kind of PERSON we want America to be in the world scene. If every country were a person in high school, who would America be? I se us lately as becoming a bully, as someone who is really dumb, getting dumber, but has an amazing sense of self-confidence. He (most definitely is a man) likes to flex his muscles and threaten people from doing whatever he doesn't agree with. He also thinks his religion is the best, and everyone should speak his language. But what kind of a person do we WANT America to be? Well, for me I'd like someone who is respectful of other ideas and beliefs, who is popular among the crowd- not because he kisses ass, but because he values other people. I would also like to see him (th...

From Neale Donald Walsch...

I got a great message today from Neale Donald Walsch, and I thought I'd pass it on... " On this day of your life,  Bones,  I believe God wants you to know... . ...that love is not what you want, it is what you are. It is very important to not get these two confused. If you think that love is what you want, you will go searching for it all over the place. If you think love is what you are, you will go sharing it all over the place. The second approach will cause you to find what the searching will never reveal. Yet you cannot  give  love in order to  get  it. Doing that is as much as saying you do not now have it. And that statement will, of course, be your reality. No, you must give love because you  have it to give. In this will you experience your own possession of it."

Who would YOU rather be like?

WHat a great new video for HUB, with Spryte's warm voice over it. If you'd like to make a difference in the world, and in your own life, then GET WITH IT and join HUB today: Click HERE and join HUB today!

Your Dollars, Your Choice

Humanity Unites Brilliance created a new short video to promote some of the ideas that we are working to get into the common consciousness. This video "Your Dollars, Your Choice" makes a great short arguement for what our world SHOULD be: If you dig it, CLICK HERE to visit