
Showing posts with the label humanitarian

Your Dollars, Your Choice

Humanity Unites Brilliance created a new short video to promote some of the ideas that we are working to get into the common consciousness. This video "Your Dollars, Your Choice" makes a great short arguement for what our world SHOULD be: If you dig it, CLICK HERE to visit

A Great New Segment on HUB

This is a great short segment on Humanity Unites Brilliance, and how the model of giving is changing. Looks a little kooky with everyone holding hands, but maybe it shouldn't.

Rare footage of Helen Keller Speaking...

Look at the love that these women have for each other... it's amazing: Patience and love- what can't they do?

The Bumpy Road to a New Computer Training Center

Spryte Loriano, fresh off Liberia’s largest teacher training in its history, heads out to the countryside to follow up with impact programs in the rural areas. This is her report: The HUB/StarShine 3-Day Teacher Training may be over for now, but now the journey of impact continues this week into the “interior” of Liberia. The road to Grand Bassa County and the city of Buchannan took us five hours on Saturday, which was slower than usual, due to a cautious driver on very bumpy roads – the usual joke from visitors is, “I like a little road with my potholes.” I must be getting use to being knocked around by the roads in Liberia, for I actually slept most of the way there – either that, or I was just exhausted from the excitement and energy of the previous few days! Upon arrival, we dropped off a new generator and two new computers to complete first round of ten computers at the Youth Action International Computer Training Center! This center is the fulfillment of a promise made to th

The United States of King Midas...

In case you don't know the story, King Midas was granted one wish by Dionysus, and he wished that everything he touched be turned into Gold. He soon realized that he couldn't eat or drink, because everything he touched was turned into gold. Seeing his despair, his daughter hugged him, and she too turned into gold. Starving and distraught, Midas begged Dionysus to take back his golden touch and to return everything to how it was. Dionysus made Midas wash his wish away in the river, and restored his daughter. King Midas then lived with less gold, but felt "richer" because he appreciated everything a lot more... He went back to being a regular King (!). If you see The United States as King Midas, I think there are a few parallels we can see: 1- The U.S. has been king in many areas, but it hasn't been enough; our "golden touch" country has citizens who are homeless, starving, and sick. Our food industry poisons us because it creates more gold for the compa

Today’s Word…Wow!

Today’s Word…Wow! Friday, August 21st, 2009 Written by: sprytel Hope for Liberian Teachers have been returned to them this week. 15 years of war saw practically all teachers flee or be killed. Now through HUB’s teacher training program with Phoenix-based StarShine Academy and Youth Action International, hope has returned and a plan to bring education to a country has been fostered. Spryte Loriano, HUB’s Chief Humanitarian Officer, files this momentous Day 3 report from the Civic Assembly Hall, Monrovia Liberia: “Trish wanted to ‘wow’ them today, our over 600 student Teachers in the HUB/StarShine Teacher Training. So we arrived exactly at 10:00am when the workshop was to begin. We arrived through the back door that lets us directly onto the stage. And the four of us – Trish, Jan, Amber and myself were wearing traditional Liberian dresses complete with headwraps! As soon as they saw us appear on stage from behind our makeshift scree

Day Two – Empowering Teachers to Change Their Country!

Friday, August 21st, 2009 Written by: Lois Today’s report filed by Spryte Loriano, Chief Humanitarian Officer, HUB: Today was a day like none other – we thought that the worst was behind us from the pandemonium of trying to register so many people the first day! And arriving in the morning, Kimmie and his staff plus over 20 volunteers were already there leading a smooth as silk process for the second day. The world seemed perfect – I went upstage and the Audio/Visual manager was preparing and testing his equipment, the camera technician was setting up – all was right with the world. And then five minutes into the training of the day, Trish and Jan were on stage, having a ball, and so was the audience – and the audio equipment completely stopped working! There is no way in a crowded auditorium such as this that one could possibly shout loud enough for all to hear – so we did the next best thing… I ran out to the lobby and grabbed the MEGA-PHONE from Kimmie! Can you imagine trying to tea

Liberian Press Gathers for Teacher Training Launch

Written by: sprytel The HUB/StarShine Teacher delegation’s first day in Liberia started with a press conference at the Youth Action International office. About 20 journalists from Liberia news, radio and television were there to hear about the Teacher Training and expanded programs HUB is bringing forth with a plan to impact 40,000 students. Kimmie Weeks, founder of YAI, explained that HUB has been to Liberia four times in this past year, and as the press remembers, we were just here a few weeks ago, mid July. He explained that after the last trip, HUB recognized the urgent need for empowerment education of k-12, and that we had immediately set to work in bringing the finest education curriculum and teacher training from the US to Liberia, bringing back with us StarShine Academy, founded by HUB Member Trish McCarty, and her team of two US teachers to conduct this three-day intensive training that would help to supplement Liberia’s current education curriculum to provide U

HUB and StarShine Academy partner to train 400 teachers in Liberia

HUB and StarShine Academy partner to train 400 teachers in Liberia Trish McCarty of StarShine Academy is a Founding Arc Angel HUBbie from Phoenix, Az HUB has partnered with StarShine Academy, to provide a HUB/StarShine Quintessential Teacher Training Program to 400 teachers in Monrovia, Liberia August 19 to 21, 2009! StarShine Academy was founded by HUB Founding Arc Angel, Trish McCarty of Phoenix, AZ. Trish has built several successful companies based on creating long-term relationships with customers. She relies on her strong corporate and banking background at AT&T, Mellon, and Norwest to infuse companies with a “keep it simple” philosophy and an attitude of teamwork and accountability. In 2000, acting on her belief that every person deserves to be educated with the best resources available, McCarty formed Education Resources to address increasingly complex and critical problems in the education market. She created joint ventures to produce proprietary educational solutio


CNN films HUB/YAI HUB is to be on CNN! CNN sent a film crew to feature Kimmie Weeks during the July HUB Purposing trip. The program, “Voices in Africa,” is projected to start airing worldwide on CNN towards the end of August 2009. Kimmie has certainly become a major voice in Africa as probably the continent’s most acclaimed youth activist. Billboards with his picture and quotes to empower the youth of Liberia are located on road sides around the capital. The feature was arranged by HUB UK’s Daniella Boutin and followed HUB and Kimmie’s YAI visiting multiple impact locations, as well as featuring one on one interviews. CNN is now in talks to produce a Social Enterprise program dedicated to the HUB business model. Since its launch in 2008, HUB has attracted regular positive news features in the USA from FOX (Miracle on Main Street, Homeless in LA and The Obama Bracelet) as well as in Canada as HUB Calgary GAVE BIG . “As soon as

Unlock Your Inner Wisdom, and Impact Our World!

This presentation has been designed to unlock our natural wisdom and provide us with powerful insights and tools that will help us manifest our highest visions in life. We will learn about three simple keys that can activate our true leadership potential: 1) The key of PURPOSE to help us connect us with our True-selves and discover why we are here on this planet. 2) The key of PRESENCE to help us connect with our team members and communicate from a place of power and authenticity. 3) The key of PASSION to help us connect with the people we are called forth to serve and take inspired action that will positively impact their lives. Finally we will learn how to align our purpose, presence and passion to become visionary leaders and co-creators of a more prosperous, peaceful and sustainable world. Listen to a clip from last week's session NOW: - Visionary leaders are those who operate from the vision that we are all One and understand that the best example of leadershi