
The Conscious Army - Love Is The New Religion

Would you like to join us? SOLAR WAVE of 2009 - This film was created to inspire participation in a GLOBAL EVENT that has the potential to change the world. This event is the SOLAR WAVE of 2009. This event takes place at Equinox Sunrise ~ September 22nd, 2009. WHY, You ask? Because the fate of our planet, and the quality of life for all living things is in our hands. PARADISE is in OUR HANDS!

News from StarShine Academy in Africa

Written by: Lois HUB Members Field Report: HUB members Trish McCarty, Amber Halvorson and Jan Stoop from Star Shine Academy in Phoenix, Az, are spearheading the largest teacher training in the history of Liberia organized by HUB and Youth Action International. This is their report from activities they have been witnessing. There’s a saying in Africa that you learn within your first 24-36 hours here. Well, if you’re lucky, you learn it within 24-36 hours, because once you know it, you will be much more ready to deal with how things happen in Africa. The system and process of how things happen here is as unique as the individuals that occupy this country. The saying is ‘D.I.A.’ meaning “Dis Is Africa.” …translation: we’re on Africa time and Africa ways….and as I can tell you from just my little experience here so far, Africa time and Africa ways are unlike any other ways I’ve ever been around. Example being, our training was scheduled to start here today Wednes

Liberian Press Gathers for Teacher Training Launch

Written by: sprytel The HUB/StarShine Teacher delegation’s first day in Liberia started with a press conference at the Youth Action International office. About 20 journalists from Liberia news, radio and television were there to hear about the Teacher Training and expanded programs HUB is bringing forth with a plan to impact 40,000 students. Kimmie Weeks, founder of YAI, explained that HUB has been to Liberia four times in this past year, and as the press remembers, we were just here a few weeks ago, mid July. He explained that after the last trip, HUB recognized the urgent need for empowerment education of k-12, and that we had immediately set to work in bringing the finest education curriculum and teacher training from the US to Liberia, bringing back with us StarShine Academy, founded by HUB Member Trish McCarty, and her team of two US teachers to conduct this three-day intensive training that would help to supplement Liberia’s current education curriculum to provide U

New Library!

Written by: sprytel Today, the HUB/StarShine delegation visited one of the schools that HUB has supported this past year to supply it the first school library and computer lab. Laurence, the Principal of the school, will be at the Teacher Training with ten of his teachers for his 720 students. Trish and Jan at HUB-supported Elizabeth Crawford High School In the New Library and Computer Lab

HUB and StarShine Academy partner to train 400 teachers in Liberia

HUB and StarShine Academy partner to train 400 teachers in Liberia Trish McCarty of StarShine Academy is a Founding Arc Angel HUBbie from Phoenix, Az HUB has partnered with StarShine Academy, to provide a HUB/StarShine Quintessential Teacher Training Program to 400 teachers in Monrovia, Liberia August 19 to 21, 2009! StarShine Academy was founded by HUB Founding Arc Angel, Trish McCarty of Phoenix, AZ. Trish has built several successful companies based on creating long-term relationships with customers. She relies on her strong corporate and banking background at AT&T, Mellon, and Norwest to infuse companies with a “keep it simple” philosophy and an attitude of teamwork and accountability. In 2000, acting on her belief that every person deserves to be educated with the best resources available, McCarty formed Education Resources to address increasingly complex and critical problems in the education market. She created joint ventures to produce proprietary educational solutio


CNN films HUB/YAI HUB is to be on CNN! CNN sent a film crew to feature Kimmie Weeks during the July HUB Purposing trip. The program, “Voices in Africa,” is projected to start airing worldwide on CNN towards the end of August 2009. Kimmie has certainly become a major voice in Africa as probably the continent’s most acclaimed youth activist. Billboards with his picture and quotes to empower the youth of Liberia are located on road sides around the capital. The feature was arranged by HUB UK’s Daniella Boutin and followed HUB and Kimmie’s YAI visiting multiple impact locations, as well as featuring one on one interviews. CNN is now in talks to produce a Social Enterprise program dedicated to the HUB business model. Since its launch in 2008, HUB has attracted regular positive news features in the USA from FOX (Miracle on Main Street, Homeless in LA and The Obama Bracelet) as well as in Canada as HUB Calgary GAVE BIG . “As soon as

Inspirational Tool Of The Week

Professor Muhammad Yunus Medal of Freedom Recipient HUB's birth coincided with us hosting two events for Professor Muhammad Yunus , the world's pioneer of social enterprise. He encouraged Charlie with words about moving forward as a for-profit business, circulating dollars and focusing education and enterprise as our core impact. We have followed this counsel. Last week Dr. Yunus received the Medal of Freedom from President Obama , and his long-time colleague and HUB speaker Sam Daley Harris , chairman of the Micro Credit Summit, wrote this news item featured in HUB News. Included on the page with the article is an interview with Charlie Rose. Click here to read the article and hear the interview.