Liberian Press Gathers for Teacher Training Launch

Liberian Press Gathers for Teacher Training Launch

The HUB/StarShine Teacher delegation’s first day in Liberia started with a press conference at the Youth Action International office. About 20 journalists from Liberia news, radio and television were there to hear about the Teacher Training and expanded programs HUB is bringing forth with a plan to impact 40,000 students.

Kimmie Weeks, founder of YAI, explained that HUB has been to Liberia four times in this past year, and as the press remembers, we were just here a few weeks ago, mid July. He explained that after the last trip, HUB recognized the urgent need for empowerment education of k-12, and that we had immediately set to work in bringing the finest education curriculum and teacher training from the US to Liberia, bringing back with us StarShine Academy, founded by HUB Member Trish McCarty, and her team of two US teachers to conduct this three-day intensive training that would help to supplement Liberia’s current education curriculum to provide US and National accreditations to 400 local teachers.

Spryte Loriano, HUB’s Chief Humanitarian Officer, explained to the press that HUB’s mission is to help transition our world from Survival through Self-Empowerment to Sustained Abundance through a unique for-profit Social Enterprise whose main objective is to recirculate profits of the company into humanitarian programs which benefit society.

She quoted Muhammad Yunus, winner of two 2006 Nobel Peace Prizes, who said “To a poor child, the most important thing is a good education,” and went on to share that HUB partnered with StarShine and our in-country partner YAI to help uplift Liberian students into being the future leaders of tomorrow through this first program which has the potential to reach 40,000 students in its first pilot year.

Trish McCarty shared StarShine’s philosophy of going beyond the basic academic skills to reach the “whole” child and to empower teachers and children through prinicples and training in public speaking, financial literacy and self-respect as the cornerstones of growing up a nation of “creative thinkers.” The HUB/StarShine delegation was welcomed and well received by the press.


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