What kind of PERSON do we want America to be?

People are always talking about America being a world leader in this and that, and I wonder how true that is. We've been losing ground in every area, just like someone who got comfortable with their lead, and then just stopped trying to be better.

That made me wonder what kind of PERSON we want America to be in the world scene. If every country were a person in high school, who would America be? I se us lately as becoming a bully, as someone who is really dumb, getting dumber, but has an amazing sense of self-confidence.

He (most definitely is a man) likes to flex his muscles and threaten people from doing whatever he doesn't agree with. He also thinks his religion is the best, and everyone should speak his language.

But what kind of a person do we WANT America to be? Well, for me I'd like someone who is respectful of other ideas and beliefs, who is popular among the crowd- not because he kisses ass, but because he values other people. I would also like to see him (that's right- him) study and learn as he goes along, looking for who can help, and giving other people help where ever he can.

I'd like to see him invited to the barmitzvah's, the quincineras, and the mosques not becuase people want to convert him, but because they respect him and his spirit.

I would like to see a kind but firm person- someone who understands fairness and justice, someone who seeks to promote understanding rather than forceful compliance.

Financially, I think we're headed towards America being a workaholic that values nothing other than the bottom line, at the expense of family, health, future, past, contribution.

As we move towards the future, I'm going to use this idea to help me make different decisions about what I want my country to be like when I vote.
What do YOU think?


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